
"A storm was coming but that's not what i smelled. It was adventure on the wind and it shivered down my spine."

      Born in Monterey, CA I'm an ocean born, desert raised girl who THRIVES in the mountains. My family and I uprooted and moved to Flagstaff, AZ when I was 8 years old. As I missed the ocean I found passion in what I have in front of me. Moving here and seeing how different the world can be only made me want to explore it more! 
     I'm a lover of adventure, freedom, and fun. Near or far I'm always up for the trip. I'm fueled by desert sunsets, mountain tops, alpine lakes, ocean breezes, strong coffee, and lots of dreams.
     I live life along side my best friend Noah. We've been walking this journey together about 2 years now! Theres no one else I'd rather wrestle for blankets with. We are fur parents to a huge german shepherd named Lana, a 10 week chocolate lab name Winston and a bearded dragon named Thorn. Lana is six and loves to be our personal garbage disposal. Thorn is 3 and could DEVOUR crickets for days.